At the core of everything, whether extraordinary and surprising or banal and obvious, there is always time and space.
Here is the time (just a little) and (web)space of an Electronic Engineer.
Name: Stefano Ampolo
Job: Electronics Engineer
Phone: (+39) 338-6693615
Skills & Confidence
CADs - 3D Designing
Altium Designer 75%
Programming Languages
Mark-Up & Style Sheet Languages
Operating Systems
My Career began when I decided to leave my homeland, family and friends to attend the best university that my country could offer: the great and famous "Politecnico di Milano" where I pursued a bachelors and master degree in Electronic Engineering, driven by an insatiable curiosity and passion for science, mathematics, and electronics. The likes of Nikola Tesla, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Richard Feynman, Stephen Hawking, and Albert Einstein have been a constant source of inspiration for me, shaping my culture and personality.
As a child, I always was fascinated by the inner workings of things, often taking them apart to understand how they ticked. But whenever I'd encounter a PCB, my curiosity would spike, it couldnt be satisfied, this is what pushed me to persue this career, to uncover the secrets behind the intricate networks of small cylinders, colored rectangles and black boxes.
In front of an object like that my ability to understand sank, consequently being inversely proportional, my curiosity could not help but explode, I absolutely had to understand.
So, polarized by my curiosity and esteem for the great inventors of the past, here I am, just nineteen years old, leaving my hometown and starting a university career in Milan.
Here I quickly found new inspiring challenges and also an extra outlet for my passion for space, as a member of Skyward Experimental Rocketry.
Per Aspera Ad Astra!
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I decided to make this space-themed website because space's always been a passion of mine.
As a child, I believed I was born in that very unfortunate period of time where the entire surface of the Earth has already been explored
and at the same time it is still too early to explore the stars, but I no longer believe in that.
We are microbes on the shoulders of giants - Quote by Bernard of Chartres exaggerated.
It is very true that the creations, inventions and ideas of the greats of the past help us immeasurably in our present life,
and that there is a disproportionate amount of "luck" and opportunity unbalanced in favor of those born in the future.
But this cannot stop us or slow us down! We must not think that we just have to wait and progress will improve our lives.
Progress does not exist without our strength, our will in the present and our sacrifices.
I firmly believe that space exploration is an unparalleled push in polarizing minds towards noble goals such as breaking down territorial borders
and creating a single global mentality.
2 Years of Altium experience.
2+ years in other PCB CAD software.
4 Years of experience at a professional level as a Firmware developer/ Test Developer.
Hardware Debugger &
Embedded Software Tester.
I Hope my passion will drive my future projects and carrer.
Experience in additive and subtracting manufacturing and G-Code Editing.
Placeholder for sharable future projects. (Right now I'm working on NDA Protected topics)